What is the Pollen Meter and how do I use it?
The NowPatient Pollen Meter is an AI-powered tool that sends you conditional advisory notices based on the pollen count in your location and your pre-existing medical conditions, if you have any.
If we identify that the pollen count in your location is Moderate, High, or Very High, you’ll see a red triangle appear on the tool. You can click this to see the advisory notice. Notices are customised and take into account pre-existing medical conditions such as COPD, Asthma, Bronchitis, or history of Allergies. They describe what precautions you need to take to prevent the exacerbation of your condition.
How does the Pollen Meter work?
The meter will show you a visual indicator of how severe the three pollen types is in your area, as in the table below. It uses a number called Pollen Grains Per Cubic Metre (PPM) to show how much pollen type is in the air. The bigger the number, the worse the pollen type. The risk levels are denoted as Low, Moderate, High, or Very High.
Risk Level | Tree | Grass | Weed |
LOW | 0-95 | 0-29 | 0-20 |
MODERATE | 96-207 | 30-60 | 21-77 |
HIGH | 208-703 | 61-341 | 78-266 |
VERY HIGH | >704 | >342 | >267 |
How can the Pollen Meter benefit my health?
Allergies to tree, grass, or weed pollen cause hay fever, which can affect lung conditions like asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
The NowPatient Pollen Meter sends you conditional warnings based on the pollen count in your location and your pre-existing medical conditions, if you have any.
For example, if you are in an at-risk group like an Asthmatic or suffer from COPD, and the grass pollen count in your location is 61-341, then we will send you an advisory HIGH RISK notification describing what precautions you need to take to prevent the exacerbation of your condition.
What are at-risk groups?
At-risk groups are defined as adults and children with heart or lung problems, who are at greater risk of symptoms. Follow your doctor’s usual advice about exercising and managing your condition. It is possible that very sensitive individuals may experience health effects, even on low pollen count days. Anyone experiencing severe symptoms should seek medical advice.
What conditions are monitored as part of the warning notifications?
The following conditions are classed as 'at risk' for sensitivity to Pollen Counts:
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Hay Fever
Do I need to pay for using the Pollen Meter?
No. The Pollen Meter is a free service available for registered users of NowPatient.
When should I see a doctor?
If the pollen count is Moderate, High, or Very High and you are Asthmatic, have Allergies, COPD, or Bronchitis; you should make an appointment with your doctor if you observe the following worsening symptoms:
Feel wheezy
Feel breathless
Have a tight feeling in your chest
Are coughing more than usual
Have asthma and need to use your reliever inhaler (usually blue) three times a week or more
What are the different types of pollen?
There are different types of pollen. You can be allergic to more than one kind of pollen across the year.
Tree pollen is a common hay fever trigger. It’s the first type of pollen released every year. Levels are usually highest from late March to mid-May. The most common tree pollen allergy is birch tree pollen, which affects about 20% of people with hay fever
Grass pollen is the most common hay fever trigger and affects about 95% of people who have hay fever. Grass pollen is often highest between mid-May and July. There’s evidence that when grass pollen levels are high, there is an increase in the number of people with asthma needing hospital treatment for their symptoms. There is also some evidence that suggests a link between high levels of grass pollen and increased numbers of COPD hospital admissions
Hay fever can also be triggered by weed pollen, which is usually highest from the end of June until September
Can I rely on the data you are using?
Yes. Our service is NAB certified and compliant. NAB is the National Allergy Bureau.
Do I need to have location services on my device activated?
Yes. Our service is based on your location. If location services are turned off, then we will not be able to provide you with personalised pollen data.
Is the Pollen Meter safe for me to use?
Yes. The Pollen Meter is classified as a class I medical device under UK MDR 2002 regulations, for its intended use.