Safeguarding of children & vulnerable adults statement.
βLast Updated: 29 Sep 2023
Infohealth Ltd expects everyone who works with children, young people and vulnerable adults to:
Be attentive to the needs of children and vulnerable adults, doing whatever is needed to maintain their safety and wellbeing
Treat children and vulnerable adults with respect and dignity, defending their innocence and upholding their trust.
Treat everyone in a way which demonstrates their high value as individuals, regardless of gender, background, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs
Be aware of potential risks to children and vulnerable adults, and do what we can to minimise these risks
Listen to children and vulnerable adults, taking their concerns seriously
Attend appropriate training to understand and be updated on safeguarding practices
Follow the procedures set down below to safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults
The Safeguarding policy aims to provide a realistic framework upon which Infohealth Ltd can offer healthcare related support services to vulnerable young people and adults. It applies to everyone who works with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
A statement reaffirming our commitment to safeguarding will be readopted every year.
If you have any concerns for a child or vulnerable adult then you can contact our superintendent pharmacist or our safeguarding coordinator using